Email: jqmo@nyu,edu
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I’m an ECE PhD student at New York University (BAAHL), advised by Brandon Reagen and also collaborating with Siddharth Garg.
Keywords: computer architecture, hardware accelerators, cryptography, machine learning and security.
My research focuses on hardware acceleration for cryptography, with the goal of advancing end-to-end data privacy and integrity.
Privacy-Preserving Computation for End-To-End Data Privacy
I am developing specialized hardware systems to accelerate privacy-preserving computation (secure multi-party computation).
My work includes accelerators for cryptographic protocols (particularly Garbled Circuits (GC) [1,2]).
It is useful for enabling “private inference” in machine learning.
Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Data Integrity
I am also working on hardware accelerators for zero-knowledge proofs (zkp), which allow the verification of data integrity by proving the correctness of computations without revealing the underlying data.
Before NYU, I earned my Bachelor’s degree from Nanjing University where I worked as a research intern advised by Prof. Zhongfeng Wang. My research there focused on reducing the computational cost of deep neural networks by optimizing dynamic exit branches.
[1] Yakoubov, Sophia. “A gentle introduction to yao’s garbled circuits.” (2017).
[2] Navarro, Ignacio. “On Garbled Circuits.” (2018).